Pink Tourmaline
Devoted to serving the highest aspects of the Heart Chakra, Pink Tourmaline links to the Crown Chakra immersing love and spirituality, encouraging forgiveness and compassion during periods of growth as you work toward Enlightenment. A remarkable crystal for cleansing the emotional body of negative feelings and old wounds accumulated over time. Pink Tourmaline can assist with the release of worry and guilt, anxiety and depression by transmuting that emotional energy into self love. It also helps those of us who feel emotionally numb to recover the enjoyment of life. During meditation when placed over the Heart Chakra, allow Pink Tourmaline to help in reminding you that it is safe to love and allow our heart to try again. This crystal can help us in forgiving ourselves, which will help us in letting others in and learning to trust again. Working with Pink Tourmaline can help us to trust in love again. While assisting you to recognize that you must first accept and love yourself before you will ever truly feel the love of others.
136 grams
97mm x 29mm
3.8in x 1.1in